Case Story: Stockholm Main Library
Self-service pioneer selected RFID-based self-service and sorting solution

About the library
The flagship of Sweden’s library service, Stockholm Public Library is home to 600,000 materials (and 4 million in the network), and is in charge of 3,000 visitors per day (7,000 in the network), 50,000 book returns per month (300,000 in the network), and a constant flow of interlibrary loans throughout Sweden.
The challenge
Network-wide upgrade needed to handle the annual circulation of more than 4 million materials
In 2010 Stockholm Public Library, a pioneer within RFID-based self-service technology, automatic returns, and sorting, chose to upgrade their existing self-service and sorting equipment. Stockholm Public Library, the library of Sweden’s capital Stockholm, consists of the City Library (Stadsbiblioteket) as well as 40 branches, a library network with an annual circulation of more than 4 million materials.
Having installed their first barcode based self-service kiosks and sorting robots 10 years prior, they had realized that it was time to do a network-wide upgrade to gain an advantage of their experiences within RFID-based self-service and sorting equipment. A public tender for the supply and maintenance for self-service and sorter equipment was awarded to Lyngsoe Systems.
The solution
High capacity sorting system and automated check-in stations
An easy to operate, intelligent sorting system with high capacity was needed. Lyngsoe Systems’ Library Mate™ 5000 Automated Check-in Stations combined with Sort Mate™ Sorting System proved to be the answer. Since the deployment, Lyngsoe Systems has supplied Stockholm Public Library around one hundred self-service kiosks, RFID staff workstations, as well as larger sorting systems to the City Library as well as four large branches.
The sorting systems are based on Lyngsoe Systems well proven Sort Mate™ series SM1000 and SM2000 sorters, using height adjustable Library Mate™ LM5000 self-check-in kiosks in combination with Lyngsoe Systems Ergo Cart™ chute which stacks the media directly into the Ergo Cart™ ready for shelving.
Faster flow of materials and more efficient workflow
- Faster circulation of materials
- Increased patron satisfaction
- Reduced repetitive manual tasks for librarians
- Enhanced efficiency
The results
Increased circulation speed resulting in increased availability of materials
The installation has resulted in library staff saving the repetitive tasks of manually sorting more than 50,000 books a month in the City Library alone. Another benefit of the investment of the sorting system is that materials are returned to the shelf faster, increasing the circulation speed resulting in increased availability of the most popular materials. The sorting systems, self-service equipment, as well as staff workstations are working seamlessly together with the latest version of Stockholm Public Library’s Library Management System Book-IT delivered by Axiell.