Whistleblower Policy
Lyngsoe Systems is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, honesty, and accountability. To support this commitment, we have our Whistleblower policy to provide Lyngsoe Systems’ internal and external stakeholders with a framework for reporting suspected misconduct within the company without fear of retaliation.
We encourage all employees and other stakeholders to report suspected or actual violations of company policies, internal routines, or laws so that irregularities can be addressed before any major damage occurs. Lyngsoe Systems aim to achieve and uphold a corporate culture in which reporting wrongdoing is encouraged and appreciated.
The purpose of the whistleblower policy and scheme is to promote transparency and increase accountability for the behaviour of Lyngsoe Systems and its collaborators. The policy covers the entire Lyngsoe Systems’ business, regardless of geographical location, including without limitation its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The Board of Directors has decided to appoint KPMG as provider of an external whistleblower system. The external system allows for submission of anonymous complaints and is managed by experienced specialist to ensure confidentiality.
Blow the Whistle
Lyngsoe Systems’ whistleblower system is a confidential reporting channel through which a whistleblower is allowed to anonymously raise concerns about misconducts. The system is provided and managed by the independent external party KPMG. Reporting can be done 24 hours a day, all year round.
If you want to file an anonymous report, all you need to do is to click the link below and follow the instructions. You can file a report in the language of your choosing.
Click here to blow the whistle
When reporting a misconduct, the whistleblower is strongly encouraged to provide as much details as possible, as it will enable a thorough and accurate investigation