GS1 approved solution to future proof hospitals
Lyngsoe Systems is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a pilot project to supply King’s College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust with the GS1 approved Lyngsoe X-Tracking™ solution.
X-Tracking™ is a web-based location tracking system that uses a combination of data capture technologies, including radio frequency identification (RFID) and GS1 barcodes to identify and track assets, such as mobile medical equipment.
The clinical engineering team is using this project to investigate the benefits from implementing RFID asset tracking to support the management of their large fleet of medical equipment.
A selection of strategic locations has been selected within the main hospital to install a number of passive RFID readers. Medical equipment is being tagged with GS1 encoded RFID asset labels and the movement of equipment recorded as each device is transported to and from these locations.

“We’re excited to be working with the clinical engineering team at King’s College Hospital, helping them to explore the many benefits from real-time data capture in a busy healthcare setting.”

Andrew James
Sales & Business Development Director, Lyngsoe Systems
Full compatibility
X-Tracking™ will be integrated with the Trust’s ECRI AIMS asset management software to automatically update real-time location data and planned maintenance dates.
The Trust anticipates analysing results from this project to potentially support the wider roll out of the solution.

Want to learn more about Lyngsoe X-Tracking?
To get more information on how Lyngsoe X-Tracking™ and our custom-made setup can benefit your hospital, please contact us. Or read more about our solutions below.
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