Improve Efficiency with Automated Book Sorting Solutions

Lyngsoe Systems Library Solutions specializes in automating library processes, including material handling. Our tailored solutions offer rapid circulation, remarkable reliability, and flexible scalability, while prioritizing safety and comfort for your staff.

Enhance the Library Experience with Intuitive Self-Service Library Systems

With user-friendly self-service equipment, your patrons can independently check out and return materials, freeing up your staff for more important tasks. Our solutions focus on accessibility, comfort, and efficiency to give your patrons the best experience.

Optimize Your Shelf Space, Collections, and Patron Experience with IMMS™

The Intelligent Material Management System (IMMS) provides complete visibility into your library's materials, live tracking them from shelves to storage. Our solution gives you the benefit of smart lifecycle management and optimized shelf space.

Enhanced Library Operations with Automated Solutions

Lyngsoe Systems Library Solutions is your partner in everything library automation. Our comprehensive range of solutions is designed to revolutionize your library’s operations, creating an optimized (material) flow that enhances both your efficiency and patron experience.

Read more about our all-around, tailor-made solutions that cover everything from automated material handling to intelligent material management and self-service equipment.

Libraries Lead the Way

The library is no longer a library. It is a cultural space. A knowledge hub.

A place of vibrant ideas. With its new role comes new demands: In-depth counseling. Local community responsibility. Frictionless experiences. The library was never meant to be a static site for static knowledge.

As such, libraries are not transforming into something new. Libraries are transforming back to the original idea of being the common ground for words, images, media, culture, thoughts, and ideas.

In this new paradigm, handling, distributing, and sorting physical books should not be a core chore. On the contrary, for libraries to survive, thrive, and grow in importance, complexity must be automated.

We help automate complexity. Handle the challenges. And unleash your library’s full potential.

We are inspired by the ideas of the forward-thinking libraries such as the Next Library community and the METLIB section of IFLA.

Borrow a Page from Their Book

Check out our case stories to learn more about how other libraries have improved their operations with Lyngsoe solutions

Learn How Your Library can Lead the Way

You can release librarian power by empowering patrons to check out and return materials by themselves through the Library Mate™ products and let them help with the sorting on shelves or feed into a Sort Mate™ sorter doing the operation fast and reliable.


Ready to transform your library?

We are here to help you get started.