Our Partners

Below you can see an overview of the many great companies and organizations that we collaborate with and have helped over the years. You can also review our case stories to get inspiration on how we can help you optimize your business.  

Be inspired by others

Postal & Parcels

Austria Post invest in enhanced visibility

Postal tracking solutions provide many benefits for postal companies. Find out how Austria Post is leading the way in Quality Management based on data from tracking technology.

Case story

Maximized Efficiencies and Material Turnaround at Sacramento Public Library

The complexity of Sacramento’s situation was perfectly addressed by the Lyngsoe Sort Mate™ with staff induction and tote feed systems.

Case story

When the AMH System Became a Focal Point in the Main Library of Caen la Mer

The Bibliothèque Alexis de Tocqueville wanted something new that would match the eye-catching semi-industrial design of their new building and add to the sense of user-focused, inclusive services that inspired the architecture.

Case story

From Nothing to an Ergonomic Solution in Top Class on Three Floors

”Height-adjustable staff inductions are also a clear advantage for our employees. They can easily adjust the induction to a suitable height so that there is no discomfort if you have to stand there for a little longer.”

Case story

Batch Handling and Paperless Reservations Have Been the Biggest Benefit of IMMS™

”IMMS™ is a chance to develop more uniform workflows - and by following these – reap all the advantages of intelligent algorithms.”


Working Together to Meet User Needs with More Than Just Compliance

The renovation of the library had provided the catalyst for updating the equipment and, as the existing kiosks were now not being supported there was an opportunity to look at new products on the market with smaller footprints, and improved functionality.