Automate Your Physical Processes with Market-Leading Library Sorting Solutions
With the latest generation in Automated Material Handling Systems for libraries, Lyngsoe Sort Mate™ 2000, you will significantly improve circulation, while reducing cost and the need for physical handling of materials. Library book sorting has never been easier, and the Lyngsoe Systems' Sort Mate™ sorter series is sustainable and modular, allowing the same fast, accurate, and reliable quality to lift the performance in both a central sorting facility and in a branch library.
Automated Material Handling Solutions

Lyngsoe Library Mate™ 1200 - Interior patron induction
Lyngsoe Library Mate™ 2100 - Exterior patron induction
Library Mate™ 5000 - Height-adjustable, interior patron induction
Lyngsoe Ergo Staff™ 1200- Fast-speed ergonomic staff induction
Lyngsoe Ergo Feeder™ 2000 - Automated de-stacker for staff
Other Solutions
Lyngsoe Sorter Controller™ - Intelligent, easy control
Graphical display system and monitoring - Overview of large systems
Lyngsoe Tote Check-in Server™ - Time-saver for branch libraries
Elevations - Going over and under in any building
BISR Singulator - Separating bulk items reliably
Manual Book Drop - Adding the extra service option
Lyngsoe Central Management™
Automated Returns Has Numerous Benefits for Libraries
Improved Circulation
Immediate check-in of materials returned by patrons and a high-speed library book sorting system ensure the materials in demand reach the next patron as fast as possible. No more waiting for days on fulfillment of the next hold.
Minimum Physical Contact
Automated material handling solutions minimize the number of touches on materials. By implementing smart book return and a book sorting system, human contact is minimized and hygiene is improved.
Reduced Need for Tying Up Staff
The number of staff needed to handle returns and holds can be reduced. The physical stress of lifting materials is minimized, and the reliable Lyngsoe solutions can run largely unmanned.
Sort Mate™ 2000 Stands on the Shoulders of Earlier Generations
With every new generation and update of the Lyngsoe book sorter solutions, new technical advancements have been added to form the current 2000 series.
High-speed and accurate sorting
Modular to fit the unique libraries around the world
Advanced, yet simple to use controls
All this makes it possible to use the same modules and control software for branch sorters, main library sorters, and dedicated central sorters.

Work Smarter and Design Your Own Lyngsoe Book Sorter
The Lyngsoe sorters are all modular in their structure. This means that you have a wide array of options to ensure that the sorter meets your unique requirements.
Being a modular system, Lyngsoe sorters can be scaled to fit any library size. Whether you need a book sorter with one destination or with +100 destinations, it can be done. Of course with a range of different inductions to fit the design of your particular library.
When determining the size, the key factors are the number of returns over time, available space, and the number of staff you wish to allocate to material handling.
At Lyngsoe Systems, we are always happy to listen, advise, and help design a system layout that is tailored to your needs and effectively utilizes your available space.
Guidelines For Defining Your Needs
Starting the process of automating your material handling can be overwhelming. Balancing the needs of both patrons and staff requires careful consideration of a number of factors.
To guide you through this process, we have created a comprehensive guide addressing essential questions that you should consider.
These range from how many returns you handle daily to whether you wish to allow for 24-hour returns.
You can check out the guide below. If you have any questions or wish to discuss your needs with experts on the topic, we are always available for a dialogue on your particular situation.

Our Automated Material Handling System Improves Your Processes
When designing your library sorter, it is important to be aware that for the book sorting machine to be effective, the design extends beyond the machine itself. The whole process of handling materials play into the design of the sorter.
Factors such as tote, cart, and trolley storage, as well as room layout and workflow, significantly impact your overall efficiency.
To optimize your library’s entire material handling process, Lyngsoe Systems offers advanced logistical software:
The Lyngsoe Tote Check-in Server helps you keep track of tote contents and batch-handling
Enhancement Options for Your Material Handling Process
Lyngsoe Systems has been a leading provider of logistical solutions for decades, and along with our automatic sorting solutions, we offer a number of extra products that will take your material handling efficiency to new heights.
These are, for example, beneficial for your central sorting setup or if you need to move materials across floors.
Lyngsoe Sorter Controller™ gives you advanced control and configuration of your sorter
BISR – Singulator - streamlines the sorting of your bulk returns
The Lyngsoe Tote Check-In Server™ extends the power of your central sorter to all branches
Lyngsoe Smart Lockers allows your patrons 24h access to reserved materials
High Speed and Accuracy Matters
The Lyngsoe book sorter operates at a very high speed, meaning items are processed much faster than it would be possible for humans, saving you both time and resources.
The accurate control that is part of the sorter software allows the Lyngsoe sorter to split/divide a single module into two destinations. This means that items are discharged in a manner that spreads them out across the container/destination.
This is important as it translates to a better, automatic fill rate of the container, meaning even less need for human attendance or interaction with the sorter.
A Lyngsoe sorter will quickly become a cherished and trusted “colleague” in smart libraries.
Ergonomic Because Staff Health Is Important
Automation in itself dramatically decreases physical strain on your staff by handling repetitive tasks that can cause joint and muscle fatigue. While shelving books still requires manual labor, Lyngsoe Ergo Cart™ and Ergo Bin™ can significantly alleviate this burden.
Your staff is your greatest resource; investing in their well-being is simply the smarter choice.

Reliability and Good Service
With an automatic book sorter, you are potentially opening service to patrons 24/7/365, so you need to be able to trust the product quality and the service provided by your supplier.
At Lyngsoe Systems you are in safe hands. Already entrusted by a long list of international and renowned libraries, the robustness and reliability of Lyngsoe Sort Mate™ sorters are tried and tested.
The Lyngsoe sorters integrate seamlessly with your ILS/LMS, ensuring a smooth transition and efficient workflows moving forward.
To add an extra layer of intelligent control to your library operations, we offer our innovative ‘Intelligent Material Management System™’ (IMMS) software.
Appreciating libraries' need for high reliability of operation, all our hardware and software products are easy to operate, maintain, and service by design. Additionally, the highly skilled Lyngsoe Systems service team is ready to answer your call, should you need assistance.
Remote Access and Service (LSS)
Though Lyngsoe’s solutions are designed and built to ensure a highly reliable operation, like other things in life, they last longer, if they are taken good care of, and we are happy to assist you through our after-sales services.
Lyngsoe offers different service options, ranging from specialists coming onsite to an advanced remote monitoring service called Lyngsoe Secure Solution. This service enables us to proactively identify and address potential equipment issues.

Meet the Libraries
that are Leading the Way
Gladsaxe Libraries
”Height-adjustable staff inductions are also a clear advantage for our employees. They can easily adjust the induction to a suitable height so that there is no discomfort if you have to stand there for a little longer.”
John Stausholm, Head of Library Operations.
Hamburg Library
“Ergonomics is the doctrine of human labour. We wanted to improve the working conditions for our staff and create a healthier working environment. Together with Lyngsoe Systems we have developed the Ergo Box that enables library staff to remove the media from the sorting system while standing upright as much as possible. As the box floor moves up and down automatically, materials can always be handled at a back-friendly height, which reduces the risk of back pain.”
Carolin Rohrssen, Bücherhallen Hamburg.
Managing Growing Return Numbers with Automated Book Sorting
As Nørrebro Library continues to experience a rise in their circulation numbers, the implementation of a small sorting system onsite has been invaluable to the functionality of the library.
Numerous Benefits to Automating the Library Return Process
“The partnership with Lyngsoe Systems was very service-oriented. We were able to rely on the team’s professional and competent advice during both the planning and implementation of Lyngsoe’s products.”
Automatic Book Return in Dortmund
The library’s customers had no problems at all with the new return machines, so there was very little need for support from the start.
Ergonomics on a Big Scale
“Odense Libraries have achieved a better physical working environment due to fewer or almost no heavy lifting. This implies employee satisfaction and the expectation of fewer days of sick leave.”
Average Turnaround Time Down From Days to Hours
With circulation approaching one million items a year, Worcester Public Library needed to switch from manual to automated material handling.
Automation – A Core Factor in Innovative Library Success
Darien Library is making its mark through excellent and wide-ranging customer service, which they attribute partly to the automation systems that have raised the library’s operational pace and efficiency, making its core services fast and easy to use.
Curious about our solutions and how we can empower your library?
Explore the possibilities and unlock new opportunities by contacting us today.