Case Story: Alborg Libraries
Intelligent System Transformed Patron Service at Aalborg Libraries
“The customer service is excellent! We always get very qualified and fast response to our requests. During system implementation, our contact at Lyngsoe Systems delivered invaluable support almost round the clock. Now that the system is running, we experience the same great level of service from their maintenance support.”
Trine Lendrup Bech, Project Manager

About the Library
The Aalborg Libraries is a large and busy library, managing the main library, 12 affiliate branches, and 3 bookmobiles. It is also one of Denmark’s six county libraries in charge of handling materials exchanged between all 98 municipalities in Denmark. The Aalborg Libraries have a long track record of embracing technology.
The Challenge
Inadequately management of floating collections spread over several branches and bookmobiles
Managing one main library, 12 branches and three bookmobiles, it was challenging for Aalborg libraries to adequately manage their floating collections. They wanted to serve their patrons more efficiently, providing a wider selection of materials across all branches. In addition, they wished to make it easier for patrons and employees to locate materials they were looking for. Finally, they were looking to enhance their overall efficiency by reducing manual labor.
The Solution
IMMS™ manages material flows, including the floating collections
To ensure a faster and more efficient material flow, Aalborg Libraries charged ahead to take advantage of pioneering IT technology. They opted for the Lyngsoe Intelligent Material Management System (IMMS), which is specially designed to seamlessly manage material flows, including for floating collections. The IMMS helps to identify the precise location of materials including reservations and materials on hold, enabling faster shelving and creating visibility of how materials travel within and between library branches. The paperless system enables patrons as well as staff to locate shelved materials. Patrons are automatically notified about reserved materials via email or text message as soon as materials are available for pickup in the reservations shelf, giving optimized customer service.
Improved material management elevated efficiency of workflows
By introducing the Lyngsoe Intelligent Material Management System, Aalborg Libraries achieved many benefits, including enhanced patron service, optimized collections, and improved working efficiency.
- Improved patron service through a faster location of materials and enhanced delivery of reserved materials.
- The elevated efficiency of workflows, reducing manual work.
- Proactive material control, including visibility of materials’ whereabouts and improved inter-branch circulation.
The Results
Aalborg Libraries massively improve parts of their workflow
The IMMS has greatly enhanced transparency and distribution of materials, improving the speed and quality of service. Today, all library branches can locate shelved materials faster and provide access to a wider choice of materials, inspiring patrons and be meeting their needs. The Aalborg Libraries also experienced massive improvements in parts of their workflow, with a staff time saving of 40 percent on reservations. In addition, introducing the IMMS meant a transition to a paperless identification of materials, which led to reduced paper consumption, saving money, and protecting the environment.