Case story: Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein
Innovative Concept for the Future of Mobile Libraries
How can RFID self-service help to extend lending possibilities outside the mobile library’s very limited opening hours?

About Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein
The library sector in Schleswig-Holstein is supported by the state, towns, municipalities, and districts as a joint responsibility and mutual obligation. On this background, the task of promoting libraries was assigned to the Schleswig-Holstein Library Association (Büchereiverein Schleswig-Holstein). They are also the sponsor of the Schleswig-Holstein Library Center (Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein) and the 12 mobile libraries.
The Initial Situation
In Schleswig-Holstein, 12 rural mobile libraries, in the form of buses, provide library services to a large proportion of the rural population. The library association is responsible for and coordinates the library work of the mobile libraries. Each mobile library has a stock of around 4,000 media on board and visits villages and communities for an hour every three weeks. In addition, digital media can be borrowed around the clock. To address the needs of rural residents in Schleswig- Holstein, the Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein, as part of a multi-year project, has developed an innovative concept for the future of mobile libraries. Citizen participation was central to this project, with surveys and future workshops revealing a frequent request: the extension of lending options beyond the mobile library’s limited opening hours.
The Project Phase
With the support of the Culture Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Schleswig-Holstein (Kulturstiftung des Bundes und des Landes Schleswig-Holstein), Lyngsoe Systems developed three different models during the project phase: media filling stations, pick-up stations and pick-up shelves. Our partners in the participating communities were MarktTreff, which are publicly funded meeting points that also ensure local supplies. Through pick-up stations and shelves, users can conveniently pick up their pre-ordered media from MarktTreff outside of the mobile library’s opening hours.
To further supplement the mobile libraries, media filling stations (Lyngsoe LibCabinet™) were installed. These present a selection of books, DVDs, and other media in an “intelligent” bookcabinet. Users can easily open the door and browse through the selection using their library card. Removed media are automatically booked when the door is closed. The prerequisite for the technical solution was the switch to RFID booking. The operation had to be simple and easy to understand so that users would have a successful first time experience.

Continuous Exchange of Media
When choosing the location, it was important to ensure the best possible accessibility and visibility. MarktTreffs were an ideal location, as they are visited by many people from otherwise small communities with around 1,000 inhabitants. In addition to shopping opportunities, cozy meeting points with cafes and venues are available at MarktTreffs. As these locations are central to the local communities, the mobile library stops right outside the door. During these stop times, the mobile library team can then replace part of the media filling station’s inventory, if needed. The media selection is curated by a librarian based on user preferences, with a practical wish list attached to the cabinet for suggestions. The library software, furthermore, tracks the location of the titles available in the cabinet, preventing them from being accidentally reserved. Volunteers on site have a key to change the paper roll if necessary.
The following goals have been achieved:
- Local presence of the mobile library in the communities
- Flexible, stationary media supply to citizens
- Use of the mobile library beyond the stop times
- Acquiring new customers
- Networking of mobile libraries
- Very well used stopping times in front of MarktTreff

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