Case Story: Odense Libraries

Ergonomics on a Big Scale – Lyngsoe Systems Improves the Working Environment

“Odense Libraries have achieved a better physical working environment due to fewer or almost no heavy lifting. This implies employee satisfaction and the expectation of fewer days of sick leave.”

Vita Larsen, Manager of Service and Logistics, Odense Libraries

About the Library

Odense Libraries consist of 12 libraries. The sorting system was installed in the Main Library, which is easily accessible to citizens in Odense city nearby the local train station and a short distance from the author Hans Christian Andersen’s house. With the aim to create a new community in Odense, The Citizens’ House was created by merging the Main Library and the Municipality Services. The collaboration with Lyngsoe Systems and the optimization of work processes at Odense Libraries enable the release of resources, which are now used to create a forum with a focus on culture in favor of the citizens in Odense Municipality.

The Challenge​

Needed to secure transparency and the right prioritization of resources

Odense Libraries had an older, worn sorting system with degrading performance and increasing noise level, affecting the working environment among the employees negatively. Likewise, the sorting system, based on old technology, was constantly running, thus the need for a less noisy system arose. With a focus on improving the working environment, the need for better ergonomic solutions also arose.


The Solution

Sort Mate™ 2000 sorting system with chutes to ensure the ergonomics of the staff

Lyngsoe Systems installed a Sort Mate™ 2000 sorting system with 73 chutes at Odense Libraries, where the fine sorting for the main library is sorted into a large number of Ergo Carts, which ensures the ergonomics of the staff. The materials for the branches are sorted in special chutes, where totes/boxes of materials are stacked without straining the employees’ backs and from which they can be transported directly to further transport.



Silent and precise sorting system, as well as ergonomic products to alleviate heavy and unnecessary lifting

  • Better ergonomics
  • Better working environment
  • Fewer days of sick leave among employees
  • Less lifting
  • Fewer/no back pain and back injuries
  • Less noise from the sorting system
  • Faster and more accurate sorting of materials

The Results

Improved working environment and fewer sick leave days among the employees

“We were searching for a solution, where we could benefit from a fast, accurate sorting that makes it easier to get the materials back quickly on shelves, yet very much a solution that would also give the employees a gentle workplace. We found the answer to both needs with Lyngsoe Systems.”

“After getting the new sorting system, which implies no lifting of heavy boxes by employees, who can drive the boxes from the sorting system for further sorting or transfer to other libraries, we have fewer employees with shoulder and back pain – thus fewer days of sick leave” 

Vita Larsen

Manager of Service and Logistics