IMMS Calculator 

Discover the transformative impact IMMS can have on your library's operations. Our calculator provides a tailored insight into the potential savings and benefits of implementing IMMS for your library. Ready to see what your library could be saving?


Examples of Material Management

Managing Float,  Material Processing

Local weeding and collection care

Processing holds, including picking from shelves

Inter Library Loans (ILL)

Failure demand (Looking for misplaced or in transit items)

General material handling (15%)

Sorting of carts/general tidiness in return area

Scanning of received totes, Shelving

Monitoring of sorter / Automated Material Handling

Distribution of holds for other branches

Approximate totalt number of hours spent on material handling
Number of minutes per circulated item after two years
Number of hours saved per year with IMMS
Full staff members, which can be repurposed
Total staff savings per year after 2 years