Libraries as the Invaluable “Third Place”

It is well-known that libraries play a significant role in the access to knowledge. They provide access to educational materials, wi-fi, and other important resources. But that is not the only vital role they play in local communities.

For many, the library becomes their “third place”. A place which is neither work nor home, but rather somewhere in between, where you can connect with others over a shared interest or activity. As such, libraries provide a welcoming and safe space for informal social interaction, exchanging ideas, and building relationships.

The term “third place” itself has been around since Ray Oldenburg coined it in the early 1990’s. Society has, however, undergone substantial changes since then, particularly with the increasing prevalence of digital platforms. Consequently, the significance of physical spaces dedicated to social interaction has grown, as these environments fulfill a different type of social need than what online platforms offer.


The Library’s Many Functions

Beyond providing access to information, libraries function as inclusive spaces where people of all ages and backgrounds can gather, learn, and connect. Most libraries, big or small, offer a range of programs and services that foster social interaction, such as book clubs, writing workshops, and community events.

They also provide essential digital literacy training and access to technology, enabling community members to navigate essential online processes. This includes tasks such as job applications and government interactions, which have increasingly shifted to digital platforms. Thereby, libraries serve a democratizing and equalizing function in society in their role as third places.

Furthermore, libraries often serve as a refuge, a place to unwind from the busy affairs of everyday life, whether that be with others or in solitude. These core functions contribute to libraries' role as third places, fostering a strong sense of belonging and community cohesion.


Contributing to Making Libraries a Third Place

Understanding the importance of libraries as third places, Lyngsoe Systems is committed to providing solutions that enhance this vital function. Through automated material handling and self-service kiosks, we free up staff time that can instead be spent on meaningful activities and relationships with the community.

Our open library solutions, furthermore, ensure that the library can remain a place for both social interaction and mental recharging even outside of normal opening hours.

All is with the hope of benefitting local communities and their members, as they enjoy the library and all its functions.