Possibilities for Staff and Patrons

Discover Lyngsoe LibCabinet™, a practical solution for modern library management. Enhance operational efficiency and ensure easy access to resources. Benefit from real-time inventory management and improved privacy and security. Make your library more accessible and user-friendly with LibCabinet.

LibCabinet™ for Staff

Facing operational challenges, limited access hours,
and the constant need for staffing?

In the dynamic realm of library management, professionals cope with the intertwined challenges of operational efficiency, accessibility, and user satisfaction. Lyngsoe LibCabinet™ remains an established solution, meticulously designed to address these issues, continuing to define an era of library operations popular with patrons.

Staff Challenges Addressed

Operational Efficiency: Traditional systems often complicate the lending and return processes, making them prone to errors and inefficiencies. This not only hampers the workflow but also diminishes the user experience.

Accessibility: The essence of a library lies in its accessibility. However, conventional operating hours can sometimes act as barriers, limiting patrons from accessing invaluable resources at their convenience.

Inventory Management: The digital age demands real-time inventory management. Keeping track of every book, especially during peak times, can be an enormous task with outdated systems.

Staffing Constraints: A constant need for staff presence can significantly inflate operational costs, making it challenging to allocate resources efficiently.

The LibCabinet™ Solution

24/7 Access: “Break the barriers of time” with the LibCabinet™, you can offer a round-the-clock service. LibCabinet™ redefines accessibility, ensuring that knowledge knows no bounds. Whether it's late at night or early dawn, the library remains open, ready to serve.

Efficient and Streamlined Operations: The combined check-in, check-out, and holds functions revolutionize the lending process. By simplifying and streamlining operations, errors become a rarity, enhancing both staff and patron satisfaction.

Real-time Inventory: With its integration with the SIP protocol, LibCabinet™ offers real-time updates on every book. This not only ensures efficient inventory management but also significantly reduces instances of loss and misplacement.

Intuitive User Experience: We've also designed the interface with the user in mind. Simple prompts and clear instructions make borrowing and returning a breeze.

Cost Efficiency: LibCabinet™ is a testament to the fact that efficiency need not come at the cost of quality. By reducing the need for constant staffing, it offers a cost-effective solution without compromising on service quality.

The City of Gold Coast's Transformation with the Lyngsoe LibCabinet™

In today's fast-paced world, the demand for convenient and accessible services is ever-growing. Libraries, the cornerstone of knowledge and community engagement, are no exception. LibCabinet is a smart modern solution that bridges the gap between traditional library services and the modern user's needs.

The City of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, stands as a beacon of urban vibrancy, home to over 600,000 residents. With 13 branch libraries under its management, the city has always been at the forefront of offering unparalleled library services. However, with changing times and evolving user demands, the City of Gold Coast sought to further enhance its library services. Enter the Lyngsoe LibCabinet, a modern solution that redefined the traditional library experience and made Gold Coast overcome their challenges.

Despite its extensive network of libraries, the City of Gold Coast recognized the need to make its services more accessible, especially in areas distant from conventional library branches. The goal was clear: to bring books closer to the people, irrespective of their location, and offer a seamless borrowing experience.

Statement from Carmarthenshire

We needed a solution that allowed us to extend opening hours for a rural library beyond staffed hours, provided a solution that built on the customers’ ability to self-serve post covid and maintained a presence and ensured the library was alive and kicking in the heart of the community even when Library staff were not on site. The LibCabinet ticked the boxes for this, and its functionality was far more intuitive than other products on the market.

The Smart Hold shelf has allowed us to streamline the collection of reservations for customers who can now access their holds without waiting for a member of staff to hunt them out in another room or locate them on an overcrowded shelf. In turn staff are able to concentrate on other tasks and the time saved can be spent engaging with customers whether it be answering queries on physical and digital resources or encouraging take up of initiatives like summer reading challenge.

We bought the new tech as it is Innovative, Eye-Catching Design, Ease of use for self-serving customers of all ages, Knowledge and support of the Lyngsoe’s Team and the enthusiasm they shared with us to create the first fully automated Library in Wales

With budget restrictions and as an innovative Library service, we are always looking to do more with less in terms of budgets. Everything coming on the horizon such as AI points to self-service Libraries being the way forward in the future. Delivering the service without the need for constant staff presence.

Increased opening hours through self service solutions helps in meeting Welsh Public Library standards for the service/self-service frees up staff to concentrate on other aspects of their roles that improve customer experience when visiting our Libraries.

We are always excited as a team by first of its kind products such as the smart hold shelf and we are driven by being the first Library service in Wales to pilot and showcase these products/Again the LibCabinet provided the solution we were missing in terms of creating the first fully automated Library in Wales.


Carmarthenshire Library , Wales

LibCabinet™ for Patrons

Facing Library Limitations for Your Patrons?

Imagine a world where your patrons always have their favorite books within reach, ready to return or borrow them with ease. That's the promise of the Lyngsoe LibCabinet™: a world where literature is always accessible, anytime, anywhere.

Patron Challenges Addressed

Accessibility: Have your patrons ever felt the urge to immerse themselves in a book late at night or early in the morning, only to be met by closed library doors?

Borrowing Process: The joy of discovering a new book can often be dampened by cumbersome borrowing processes. Waiting in line, just starting the car or checking the bus route, and other tiresome tasks can dampen the joy of getting a new book.

Clarity: The excitement of borrowing a new book can sometimes be overshadowed by the anxiety of forgetting its return date.

Eco-Conscious Choices: Modern patrons are not just concerned about their reads but also the environmental impact of their choices.

The LibCabinet™ Experience – Your Patrons 24/7 Mini Library

Freedom to Borrow: With LibCabinet™, the world of literature is always open to your patrons. Whether it's a holiday, a weekend, or any time outside regular hours, their reading desires are always prioritized - LibCabinet™ is ready to serve them.

Effortless Borrowing Experience: Gone are the days of long queues and tedious paperwork. With LibCabinet™, borrowing and returning are as simple as presenting a card. It's not just convenient; it's what every patron wish for.

Stay Informed: Every transaction with LibCabinet™ comes with a clear receipt detailing the borrowed items and their return dates, so no more late fees. It's not just about borrowing; it's about borrowing wisely.

Eco-Friendly Reading: With LibCabinet™, your patrons can indulge in their reading habits, knowing they're making an environmentally conscious choice by not driving to the main library but just take a lovely walk to the LibCabinet anytime they like. 

Want to know more about LibCabinet? Download the product sheet or visit the product page 

Lyngsoe Libcabinet

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Niko Heininen


+358 40 540 3096


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+49 402 99977431


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+44 1400 283850


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+44 1400 283854


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+45 9698 1610


Mogens Olsen


+45 2122 3669