Lyngsoe Intelligent Hold™ Shelves: - a Seamless Pickup Experience

Discover a transformative approach to library holds management with the Lyngsoe Intelligent Hold™ Shelves. By harnessing advanced RFID technology, we've crafted a seamless and paperless experience for patrons and reduced operational burdens for staff. With the added convenience of effortless expansion and enhanced privacy, dive into a new era of efficiency and modernity for your library holds process.

Smart And Easy Holds Management with Effortless Expansion

Lyngsoe Intelligent hold pick-up shelves use proven RFID technology that allows easy holds management. The Intelligent holds pickup solution will eliminate the need for hold slips – paperless operation. This will increase privacy for patrons, streamline holds management, and reduce workload for library staff.

The use of RFID smart shelves allows staff to place items freely in holds pickup shelves. Items are no longer needed to be placed on shelves in alphabetical order or based on dates when the item is available for pickup. RFID smart shelves will always know the position for each item. The position of the item will be informed to the patron to pick up the correct item without using hold slips.

Embrace a hassle-free expansion experience with Lyngsoe's Intelligent Hold Shelves. Thoughtfully designed on wheels and interconnected using a solitary cable, adding an additional shelf becomes remarkably simple when one reaches capacity. These intelligent shelves not only boast a substantial storage capacity but also offer a myriad of benefits including their modern aesthetic, intuitive usability, and instantaneous book availability for check-out. Additionally, their streamlined, paperless design ensures enhanced privacy for patrons, making the hold process both efficient and discreet.

Considering the advantages of Intelligent Hold™, it would be worth exploring the integration of our Intelligent Return shelves to further optimize your library's processes.

Discover the benefits of Lyngsoe Intelligent Hold™

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Intelligent Hold Shelf

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Empowering Patrons, Enriching Libraries

Enable and empower your patrons with simple-to-use self-service library solutions. Let patrons help by taking over tasks when borrowing or returning items on library kiosks. This will release staff time to support new activities in your library. With the attractive self-service equipment and access solutions, the patrons feel welcome and can enjoy extended library services while at the same time helping staff by bringing the items to the next patron in line.


Library Cases

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